After your power animal retrieval…
How Do I Honour and Work with my Power Animal?
Now that you have had a power animal retrieval, it would be a good idea to address a few items that you may find helpful to know:
What is the Function of a Power Animal?
Finding out about your power animal is an important step in your healing journey. A power animal is an ally and support for you as you navigate the challenges of life, as your power animal can give you access to timeless wisdom and empower you to make better decisions.
During a Power Animal Retrieval, Spirit provides us with whatever we need – we do not get to choose. Your Power Animal is there to provide “medicine” to you in the form of guidance, lessons, protection, power, or wisdom.
Some Things You Should Know About Power Animals:
You can have one or several Power Animals throughout your lifetime. They can come in and out of your life to give guidance, teach you about yourself, and help you maintain balance. The timing and direction you are headed on your path, a specific occasion that may arise, phases of life, or tasks that need to be completed along your journey will dictate what animal steps forward to help.
An animal can bring you a message in several ways. You can physically cross paths with the animal, you can dream about it, it can visit you in your meditations, or you might have it as a pet.
Your Power Animal often represents qualities and attributes that you may see in yourself. On a base level, you want to understand the general vibe of the animal and look at it as a symbolic representation of you. You may never personally interact with your animal, like a tiger or whale, but pay attention to the details like specific behaviors, character traits, habitat, diet, social status.
Remember: Working with a power animal is an instinctual process about who we are becoming, not about who we would prefer to be. It is up to us to learn its attributes as it reveals its wisdom.
So How do I Get to Know and Honour My Power Animal?
Once you have discovered your Power Animal, a common question to ask is “what’s next?” How can you harness the new knowledge of your Animal Teacher to benefit your life? Here are a variety of ways to learn from your Power Animal:
Discover Its Symbolic Wisdom
Each Power Animal has strengths and weaknesses which are important for you to learn about, as they directly apply to your life. The better you understand the symbolic meaning of your Animal Teacher, the better you will come to understand yourself and what you need to improve or change in your life.
Apply Your Newfound Wisdom
Learning about your Power Animal will help you to learn more about yourself, and will consequently help you to make important decisions, deal with difficult situations and people, and reach your personal goals and aspirations. Reflect on the three main ways you can apply what you have learned to your life (short-term, medium-term, and long-term).
To be open and receptive to your Power Animal’s message, you will need to embrace their exclusive language and form of self-expression first. To be receptive to your Power Animal and embrace their authentic being, take some time to observe them. Either observe them in nature (if they live in your vicinity) or watch them online. Take notes if needed.
Pay Attention When Your Power Animal Appears in Your Life
Be aware of dreams, or real-life occurrences in which your Power Animal manifests itself. Also, remember that your Power Animal can choose to manifest itself in a very subtle way, for instance, in poems, a song, or even a picture in a book or poster in the street. Our Animal Teachers are thought to serve as both omens, as well as messengers and guides. So, consider the following question in your daily life:
• What feelings do you experience when your Power Animal appears in your life? For example, do foreboding or comforting feelings arise within you?
• What message does your Power Animal appear to be communicating to you?
• Is your Power Animal trying to lead you in a certain direction?
Honour your Power Animal
By honouring your Power Animal you grow and gain a deeper connection to them. Many people like showing respect to their Animal Teachers by placing objects of the same species around their houses – drawings, photos or statues. Others like wearing symbols of their Power Animals on their bodies like necklaces, bracelets or clothing.
However, simply saying “thank you” and being grateful is sufficient. Your relationship with your Power Animal should be honoured by doing what feels sincere to you. The above-mentioned methods are offered only as suggestions. You should adopt only those that are authentic to the relationship between you and your Power Animal.
You can read more about Power Animals here:
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