Finding Balance: How Shamanic Treatments Can Help Ease ADHD

Today I want to talk about something that hits close to home for many, including my own family —ADHD. You’ve probably heard the term a lot these days. It’s that feeling of being all over the place, mentally scattered, or full of energy you just can’t seem to focus. Whether you or someone you know has ADHD ( I have several family members with ADHD), it can be tough to manage in today’s fast-paced world. There’s no shortage of traditional treatments, like medications and therapy, but did you know that shamanic practices can also help? Yep, that’s right. These ancient healing methods could offer real relief for those with ADHD.


What’s ADHD, and Why Is It So Tough?

Let’s break this down a bit. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is often summed up as trouble paying attention or being super hyper. But it’s so much more than that. For some people, it feels like your brain is buzzing with a thousand thoughts, jumping from one thing to the next without being able to focus on any one of them. Or maybe you get overwhelmed easily, have difficulty organizing your life, or find it impossible to sit still. Sound familiar?

Whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, ADHD can make it hard to keep up with daily life – work, school, relationships. Most people manage it with medication or behavioral therapy, which can work great. But some find that conventional routes don’t feel quite right for them, or they want something more holistic. This is where shamanic treatments come into play.


What Is Shamanism, Anyway?

Shamanism is medicine for the Soul… If you’re new to the concept of shamanism, it’s essentially an ancient spiritual practice that’s been around for thousands of years. Shamans—like me—work as healers, not just for the body but for the mind and spirit too. Shamanism taps into the natural world, the energy around us, and the spirit realm to bring balance and healing. Think of it as a way to reconnect with yourself on a deep, soulful level.

Now, every shaman works a little differently depending on their training/cultural background, but the goal is usually the same: to restore harmony in your life, whether you’re dealing with physical pain, emotional trauma, or, yes, even something like ADHD.


Shamanic Treatments for ADHD

So how can shamanic practices actually help with ADHD? It all comes down to the idea that our struggles aren’t just “in our heads.” In shamanic belief, mental and emotional challenges often reflect a spiritual or energetic imbalance. For someone with ADHD, this might mean they’ve lost touch with a key part of their essence—what we shamans call the Soul. Or, they may be holding onto stuck energy that’s clogging up their ability to focus or stay grounded.

One powerful shamanic technique for dealing with this is called soul retrieval. It’s exactly what it sounds like—retrieving lost parts of your soul. When we go through trauma or life challenges, pieces of our soul can get fragmented or disconnected. For someone with ADHD, this might translate to feeling scattered, disconnected, or like you’re not fully present. Through a soul retrieval ceremony, I (or another experienced shaman) help guide you to bring those pieces back, leaving you feeling more whole and centered.

Another shamanic approach is energy healing. Just like the physical body can get blocked up (think stiff neck or back pain), your energy field can also get congested. This congestion can make you feel distracted, anxious, or out of balance. Through energy healing practices those blocks are removed, allowing your energy to flow freely again. With a clearer energy field, many people find it easier to focus and feel less overwhelmed.


Why Shamanic Treatments Can Make a Difference

I’ve worked with people who’ve felt like ADHD made them chaotic, disorganized, and out of control. Through shamanic practices, we’ve seen real shifts happen. And no, I’m not saying it’s some instant magic cure—healing is a process. But here’s why these treatments can make a difference for people with ADHD:

Healing the Whole Person: Shamanism doesn’t just focus on the symptoms of ADHD. Instead, we look at the whole person—mind, body, spirit. This means we can address the root cause of what’s throwing you off balance, whether that’s a lost soul fragment, stuck energy, spirit attachments or a disconnection from your deeper self. (click on the linked topics to learn more about these issues)

Personalized Healing: Every person is different, so every healing session is unique. Each person will have their own healings needs at any given time. A client with ADHD might need a soul retrieval, or power animal retrieval, or a soul piece retrieval or a compassionate depossession on the day of our session – it all depends on that moment and where the person is on their SoulPath.


Being Shown Your Own Unique Path

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach in shamanism. The healing process and focus becomes a very natural one, because in that moment that healing and focus is what is needed and results are experienced as the logical ‘fit’ for the person for that time. Having experienced this “well of course this makes sense – I see it” moment, people see that their healing path is following their unique SoulPath.  And that path helps to ‘retune our energy wiring’ which then allows us to attune our SoulEar to guides us towards the paths and experiences that are for our highest and best good.

Empowering You: Shamanic practices are all about helping you connect with your own inner power. You’re not just a passive recipient in the process. Through things like journeying (a meditative state where you connect with spirit guides), you can tap into your own intuition and find clarity. Many people with ADHD feel more grounded and empowered to handle their challenges after these experiences.

Spiritual and Emotional Insight: A lot of people with ADHD describe a sense of feeling out of place or misunderstood. Shamanism offers a way to connect with something bigger than yourself, whether that’s nature, the spirit realm, or your own soul. This can give you a deeper sense of purpose and belonging, which, in turn, helps ease the mental chaos.


A Word of Note…

Shamanic healing is to be implemented in a complementary, and not as a replacement to medications and medical treatment. If you’re currently using medication or therapy for ADHD, you don’t have to give that up to explore shamanism. These treatments can complement each other beautifully.


Putting it All Together

Shamanic healing offers a fresh, spiritual perspective on ADHD, providing tools to not only manage symptoms but also to rediscover balance, focus, and peace. It’s about working on a deeper level, addressing not just the mind, but the heart and soul too. If you’ve been feeling like conventional methods aren’t quite enough shamanism might hold for you additional benefits that could help you ‘put it all together’.

Remember, the journey to healing is deeply personal. Whether it’s through shamanism, therapy, or medication, you get to choose the route that feels right for you.

Stay connected, stay balanced.

~ Deborah Blucher, The Wired Shaman

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