Shamanic Healing for Grief and Loss

Shamanic Healing for Grief and Loss

Embracing Healing: Shamanic Approaches for Resolving Loss and Grief


Grief, a natural response to loss, can manifest in various ways, profoundly impacting individuals on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. While grief is a universal experience, the journey of healing is deeply personal and unique to each individual. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative approaches to grief resolution, including Shamanic healing techniques. Rooted in ancient wisdom and indigenous traditions, Shamanic healing offers a holistic framework for navigating loss, facilitating healing, and restoring balance within the individual. In this comprehensive exploration, I will delve into the benefits and techniques of Shamanic treatments for resolving the symptoms of loss and debilitating grief in clients, illuminating the transformative potential of ancient wisdom in healing the wounded heart.

Understanding Loss and Grief from a Shamanic Perspective:

Shamanism views loss and grief as natural aspects of the human experience, acknowledging the profound impact they have on an individual’s mind, body, and spirit. From a Shamanic perspective, grief is seen not merely as an emotional response but as a spiritual journey of transformation and growth. Shamanic healing recognizes that unresolved grief can lead to soul loss, energetic imbalances, and spiritual disconnection, exacerbating feelings of pain, sorrow, and isolation. Central to Shamanic healing is the understanding that grief is not something to be overcome or suppressed but a sacred process of honoring and integrating the experience of loss into one’s life.

Benefits of Shamanic Healing for Loss and Grief:

Shamanic healing offers a myriad of benefits for individuals struggling with loss and debilitating grief, providing a safe and supportive space for healing, transformation, and spiritual renewal. Some of the key benefits of Shamanic healing for loss and grief include:

Facilitating Soul Retrieval: Loss and grief can result in soul fragmentation, where parts of the individual’s essence become disconnected or lost. Shamanic healing techniques, such as soul retrieval, aim to reclaim and reintegrate these lost soul parts, restoring vitality, wholeness, and resilience within the individual.

Honoring the Sacredness of Grief: Shamanic healing honors the sacredness of grief as a natural and necessary process of healing and transformation. By creating sacred space and holding compassionate presence for the client’s grief, Shamanic practitioners provide a supportive container for the expression and release of emotions, memories, and beliefs associated with the loss.

Connecting with Ancestral Wisdom: Shamanic healing draws upon the wisdom and guidance of ancestral spirits, elders, and lineage ancestors to support the individual in their journey of grief resolution. Through rituals, ceremonies, and ancestral healing practices, clients reconnect with their ancestral roots, finding solace and strength in the collective wisdom and resilience of their lineage.

Restoring Energetic Balance: Shamanic healing works to clear energetic blockages, release stagnant energy, and restore balance within the individual’s energy field. By harmonizing the flow of energy, clients experience a sense of lightness, clarity, and inner peace, easing the symptoms of grief and restoring vitality.

Cultivating Meaning and Purpose: Shamanic healing helps clients find meaning and purpose in their experience of loss, facilitating a deeper understanding of the lessons, blessings, and growth opportunities inherent in the grieving process. Through guided journeys, storytelling, and symbolic rituals, clients reclaim their power to transform pain into purpose and honor the legacy of their loved ones in meaningful ways.

Techniques of Shamanic Treatment for Loss and Grief:

Shamanic treatment for loss and grief encompasses a diverse array of techniques tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each client. While specific practices may vary among traditions and practitioners, some common Shamanic techniques for resolving grief include:

Soul Retrieval: When Shamanic practitioners journey into the spirit world to locate and retrieve lost soul parts fragmented as a result of loss and grief. Through rituals, ceremonies, and symbolic gestures, clients reclaim these lost aspects of themselves, restoring vitality, wholeness, and resilience.

Ancestral Healing: Shamanic healing involves connecting with ancestral spirits, elders, and lineage ancestors to receive guidance, support, and healing in the journey of grief resolution. Through rituals, offerings, and ancestor ceremonies, clients honor their lineage and ancestral wisdom, finding solace and strength in the collective support of their ancestors.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Shamanic rituals, such sacred drumming circles, create sacred space for healing, transformation, and spiritual renewal. These rituals help clients release grief, express emotions, and honor the memory of their loved ones in a meaningful and symbolic way.

Nature Immersion and Earth-based Practices: Shamanic healing often involves spending time in nature, communing with the elements, and connecting with the wisdom of the earth. Practices such as nature walks, and earth-based rituals help clients ground themselves, find solace, and reconnect with the natural rhythms of life.

Guided Visualization and Journeying: Shamanic practitioners guide clients into altered states of consciousness through rhythmic drumming, chanting, or visualization, allowing them to access deeper layers of the psyche and receive guidance from spirit allies or power animals. Guided journeys facilitate emotional release, insight, and spiritual connection, helping clients navigate the complexities of grief with greater clarity and resilience.

Case Studies and Success Stories:

Whilst I cannot share the confidential personal stories of my clients, for obvious reasons, I offer these very credible public domain examples:

Numerous case studies and testimonials attest to the effectiveness of Shamanic healing in resolving the symptoms of loss and debilitating grief, promoting healing, and restoring balance within individuals. One such example comes from the work of Dr. Sandra Ingerman, a renowned Shamanic practitioner and author who has pioneered the use of Shamanic techniques for grief resolution. In her book “Walking in Light,” Dr. Ingerman shares the story of a client who experienced profound healing and transformation after undergoing a series of Shamanic rituals and ceremonies to honor the loss of a loved one.

Another example comes from the work of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, a psychologist and Shamanic healer who has successfully treated clients with grief using soul retrieval and energy healing techniques. In his book “Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval,” Dr. Villoldo recounts the case of a client who suffered from debilitating grief and emotional pain after the loss of a child. Through Shamanic rituals, ceremonies, and soul retrieval, the client experienced a deep sense of healing, acceptance, and peace, finding solace in the understanding that their loved one’s spirit lives on in the realm of the ancestors.

Benefits and Positive Outcomes of Shamanic Healing for Loss and Grief:

The benefits of Shamanic healing for loss and grief extend far beyond symptom relief, encompassing profound transformations in consciousness, perception, and quality of life. Some of the key benefits and positive outcomes of Shamanic healing for loss and grief include:

Increased Sense of Peace and Acceptance: Shamanic healing promotes a sense of inner peace, acceptance, and surrender in the face of loss, helping clients navigate the complexities of grief with grace and resilience.

Deepening of Spiritual Connection: Shamanic healing deepens clients’ connection to themselves, their loved ones, and the spirit world, fostering a sense of continuity, connection, and love that transcends the physical realm.

Cultivation of Resilience and Wisdom: Shamanic healing helps clients cultivate resilience, wisdom, and emotional intelligence in the face of loss, empowering them to embrace the challenges of life with courage and grace.

Honoring the Legacy of Loved Ones: Shamanic healing provides clients with opportunities to honor the legacy of their loved ones in meaningful and symbolic ways, fostering a sense of connection, continuity, and reverence for their memory.

Restoration of Vitality and Well-being: Shamanic healing restores balance, vitality, and well-being within the individual, helping them reclaim their joy, passion, and zest for life in the aftermath of loss.

A Final Note:

Shamanic healing offers a powerful and transformative approach to resolving the symptoms of loss and debilitating grief, providing a safe and supportive space for healing, transformation, and spiritual renewal. Through techniques such as soul retrieval, ancestral healing, and guided journeying, clients reclaim their vitality, inner wisdom, and sense of connection to themselves and the world around them. As individuals embrace the healing embrace of Shamanic traditions, they embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and wholeness, finding solace, meaning, and purpose amidst the pain of loss.

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The Impact of Soul Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Healing

The Impact of Soul Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Healing

Exploring the Impact of Soul Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Healing


Soul loss, a concept rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, refers to the fragmentation or dissociation of the individual’s essence resulting from trauma or significant life experiences. While often overlooked within mainstream Western society, soul loss can profoundly affect an individual’s well-being and vitality. As this topic is not typically addressed in our media, I thought it required a comprehensive exploration of this issue, so let’s delve into the causes, symptoms, treatment, and healing of soul loss, shedding light on its far-reaching implications and transformative potential.

Understanding Soul Loss:

Soul loss occurs when parts of the individual’s essence, often referred to as soul fragments, become disconnected or trapped due to traumatic events, emotional distress, or prolonged stressors. In traditional healing practices, such as Shamanism, soul loss is seen as a root cause of various physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. These fragmented aspects of the self can lead to a sense of emptiness, disconnection, and dysfunction in various areas of life.


Causes of Soul Loss:

Soul loss can result from a myriad of experiences, ranging from acute traumas like accidents, abuse, or loss of a loved one to chronic stressors such as ongoing conflict, societal oppression, or existential crises. Any event that overwhelms the individual’s capacity to cope and adapt effectively has the potential to trigger soul loss. Moreover, cultural and intergenerational traumas can contribute to collective soul loss within communities or societies.


Outward and Inward Symptoms:

The manifestations of soul loss vary from person to person, but common outward symptoms may include chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, addiction, relationship difficulties, and a sense of emotional numbness or detachment. Inwardly, individuals experiencing soul loss may feel fragmented, incomplete, or disconnected from their sense of purpose, passion, and inner guidance. They may also struggle with feelings of unworthiness or a lack of belonging.


Treatment Process of Soul Loss:

Healing soul loss involves a multifaceted approach aimed at retrieving and reintegrating fragmented aspects of the individual’s essence. Central to this process is the recognition and acknowledgment of the trauma or life experiences that led to soul loss. Therapeutic modalities such as Shamanic soul retrieval, energy healing, and power animal retrieval are commonly employed to facilitate soul retrieval and integration.

Shamanic soul retrieval involves journeying into the spirit world to locate and retrieve lost soul fragments with the assistance of a trained practitioner. Through rituals, ceremonies, and symbolic gestures, the practitioner guides the individual in reclaiming these fragmented aspects and reintegrating them into their being. This process is often accompanied by profound insights, emotional release, and a renewed sense of wholeness and vitality.


Benefits and Positive Outcomes of Healing Soul Loss:

The journey of healing soul loss can yield transformative benefits and positive outcomes that extend beyond mere symptom relief. As fragmented aspects of the self are reintegrated, individuals often experience a deep sense of inner peace, empowerment, and alignment with their true purpose and potential. Emotional wounds begin to heal, allowing for greater resilience, creativity, and authenticity in navigating life’s challenges.

As the process of the soul piece integrations are completed, healed individuals report enhanced vitality, clarity, and connection to themselves, others, and the world around them. Relationships improve as they cultivate healthier boundaries, communication skills, and emotional intimacy. Additionally, individuals often experience spiritual awakening and a renewed sense of meaning and connection to the sacred within and beyond themselves.


Final Note:

Soul loss, though often overlooked, holds profound implications for an individual’s overall well-being and vitality. By addressing the root causes, symptoms, and treatment of soul loss, individuals can embark on a transformative journey of healing and wholeness. Through therapeutic modalities such as Shamanic soul retrieval, individuals can reclaim lost aspects of themselves and experience profound positive outcomes. Ultimately, the journey of healing soul loss is a sacred pilgrimage towards self-discovery, empowerment, and integration, leading to a life filled with greater joy, purpose, and authenticity.

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Discovering the Power of Shamanic Distance Treatments

Discovering the Power of Shamanic Distance Treatments

When I wrote a previous testimonial about my experience with shamanism, I shared how the death of my beloved older brother left me broken. I didn’t know much about shamanism at the time but booked a shamanic treatment because I wanted to feel like myself again and to be able to function better. I believed I had nothing to lose.

As I lay down on Deborah’s healing table, she shook a rattle to call her helping spirits as she passed around me, laying a crystal here and another one there. It marked the beginning of regular shamanic treatments that guided me to a new chapter in my life that included loss but also support as my shamanic practitioner helped me discover a world of helping spirits, power animals and touchstones.

When Deborah suggested a distance treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was somewhat hesitant but decided to trust the journey. After all, it hadn’t let me down so far. I knew she would be using a teddy bear as a ‘proxy’ and as I closed the blinds in my bedroom and lay down on my bed, Deborah texted to let me know my treatment was about to begin.

I felt extremely relaxed and comfortable and before long, I felt like my brother was in the room with me. He was smiling. That beautiful, familiar smile. He assured me he was fine, that I was fine and that he would always be with me but in a different way. I was sobbing but felt the comfort of the sun shining on my face. I felt what you might describe as a sensation in my hands, as though I was releasing something but not quite sure I wanted to let go.

As Deborah and I had discussed before my treatment, she texted me when it was complete, and I took some time to gather myself before calling her to discuss my experience. I don’t know if I was looking for affirmation, but I wanted to hear what she had to say before I allowed the words to tumble out of my mouth.

My brother was there, she confirmed, and indeed told me that we were both fine. He also told me it was time to let go; to let both of us move forward – together but apart. It now made sense why it felt like I was releasing something.

And the sun on my face? Deborah told me her helping spirits instructed her to take the teddy bear to a sunny window to let me know brighter days were ahead and that I just needed to be brave enough to walk towards them. Like always, everything came together and made complete sense.

Any hesitation I had about the power of distance treatments evaporated. Sure, having a treatment in the comfort of my own home was convenient but it was so much more. I felt like I was able to surrender myself to my treatment much more quickly. Could it be because I was surrounded by things that held such significance to me, including a picture of me with my brother and sister that has forever hung on my bedroom wall?

Though I tend to be very analytical, I realized it doesn’t really matter why my distance treatment had been so powerful – just that it had been so comforting and that Deborah was able to provide me with such wise advice that I’m confident will help me continue to move forward.


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How to Heal After the Death of a Loved One

How to Heal After the Death of a Loved One

Not long after my first shamanic treatment, Deborah, my shamanic practitioner, instructed me to go to the waterfront not far from where I live in search of a rock that would serve as a touchstone. While I was concerned about how I would know when I found the right rock, she was right: I just knew.

In keeping with Deborah’s advice, I asked the universe for permission to take the rock home with me and it now sits beside my computer in my home office. I find myself reaching to it for comfort countless times a day.

What led me to seek shamanic treatment? The death of my beloved older brother. For weeks and months following his unexpected passing, I was overcome with both grief and guilt. Could I have done something to save him? Did he know just how much I loved him? He was my rock; the person I turned to for the very best advice. I couldn’t imagine a future without him.

I felt as if I had a gaping hole in my heart that couldn’t be filled, even with the countless wonderful memories we shared. My body ached and I no longer recognized myself.

Admittedly, I didn’t know much about shamanism at that first session. I did know I wanted to feel like myself again and wanted to be able to function, if only to better support my family. As I lay down on a healing table, Deborah shook a rattle to call her helping spirits as she passed around me. The energy in the room changed and I began to relax. By the end of the session, I felt drained but also lighter and more at peace.

That marked the beginning of regular shamanic treatments and sparked my curiosity in the mysterious connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. As I learned about spiritual force fields and soul loss, I was able to make sense of why I was feeling so sad and vulnerable.

I’ve undergone a variety of shamanic treatments, including soul retrieval. In some shamanic sessions, I’ve felt a comfortable downward pressure. Could Deborah’s helping spirits know I’m flailing and need some stability? Other times, it feels like I’m being lifted, perhaps because the helping spirits know I sometimes struggle to simply get out of bed and need a helping hand. I often feel an overwhelming sense of calm and gratitude.

In order to allow yourself to heal, I believe you must trust your shamanic practitioner. Deborah has earned my trust in so many ways. One example: my brother once worked just steps from the waterfront location where she instructed me to find a rock to serve as my touchstone.

In another example, I commented that Deborah’s drumming was particularly energizing during one session and was inspiring me to move forward. My brother’s spirit was present, had taken her hand and chose the rhythm he wanted in order to send energy through new pathways and to make me feel safe in those pathways, she explained. It was another ‘aha’ moment, as my brother had his own drum kit and my family often joked that he marched to the beat of his own drum.

Deborah often uses crystals during our sessions. One day, I discovered she had placed a perfectly round quartz crystal under my left hand. Parts of the quartz were cloudy and muddled, while other parts were clear and bright. Deborah’s new power animal, a dragonfly (an insect characterized by large eyes) had instructed her to place it there while my right hand rested on my rock as a reminder that my past will always be there but doesn’t need to be my sole focus. I can enjoy a 360-degree view that includes my past and future.

That session helped me realize that I had been living in the past as I tried to make sense of my brother’s death and find comfort in cherished memories. But I’ve come to accept that he hasn’t abandoned me. As I continue the profound journey to restoring my soul, I call on my power animal and rely on my touchstone that Deborah helped bring into my life for guidance and support. I have a sense of renewed vision and heightened awareness and appreciation of the world around me. I’m feeling brighter, more productive and at ease. More like myself.



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